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Colorado Lagniappe is a process development consulting company that specializes in the manufacturing of bioabsorbable polymers for use in specialty injectables. With almost a decade of experience in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical excipients, our highly qualified team can help pharmaceutical and biotech companies of any size with a variety of development needs. If your needs are related to the manufacturing of bioabsorbable polymers for use in specialty injectables, our experts are uniquely qualified in every aspect of the development, scale-up, technology transfer, and the commercial manufacturing of polymer excipients.  We will ensure that your polymer manufacturing process development needs are comprehensively met with quality and compliance in mind.

Lagniappe (pronounced “LAN-yap”) is a Cajun-French inspired noun that means “a little extra.” Not only is it an acknowledgement of our founder’s heritage, it’s a promise to our customers that we will give that little bit extra to ensure we provide you with solutions that meet your needs and then some.